Based in panama, rafael has 25 years of investment experience including private company acquisition, public markets, and real estate.

He looks to teach from experience how to be a better investor and business owner.


At a dinner party, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates were sitting at the same table.  A woman asked them the key to their success.  They both had the same answer, “Focus”. 


How many things can we focus on?  Focus on and deliver a quality effort.  Put in the time with care and attention to detail.


I have limited bandwidth.  I think we all do.  Some are wider, some are narrower, but we all have a limit.


Bandwidth was a big driver in our decision to delegate the management of each subsidiary to a qualified CEO.  If my partner and I ran each business ourselves, we would have capped out at 2-4 companies.  If we wanted to own a large, diversified Holding Company, we needed to delegate.  Bandwidth.


Bandwidth is why I say no to any active investment outside of my HoldCo.  I want all my attention focused on what I am building.  I have no side hustle.  I do not angel invest.  I do not take minority stakes.  I am not belittling those who do.  That strategy simply does not work for me.  Bandwidth.


Bandwidth is why I limit my outside commitments.  I was on 2 non-profit boards.  After 11 years I ended up having to leave one because it was too much.  I am not going to take on the commitment if I cannot do it with quality and I could not do both with quality.  Bandwidth.


What occupies most of my bandwidth?  My family.  I am married with 3 kids.  A 9-year-old, 3-year-old, and 4-month-old.  My family comes first.  Before the company, before the other commitments. 


It is a lot sometimes.  Bandwidth.

The Pivots of a HoldCo

Blueprint to build a $0 to $100m revenue Holding Company