Based in panama, rafael has 25 years of investment experience including private company acquisition, public markets, and real estate.

He looks to teach from experience how to be a better investor and business owner.

Getting in the Repetitions

The only way to get good at anything, is putting in the reps

Buying a business, especially in the beginning, is a numbers game.  13 years on and we have reviewed thousands of CIMs, taken hundreds of meetings, done in-person visits to over a hundred companies, and closed 8 transactions.  That may seem like an inefficient process, but the knowledge I have gained from just looking at different businesses and speaking with their owners is priceless.


At this point, we receive inbound offers.  We have built enough of a reputation and pipeline where business owners contact us directly looking to sell.  But I still go through broker emails and websites scanning hundreds of opportunities a week.  Why?


  1. There is nothing that will prepare you for analyzing a business like reading about other businesses.  Sales trends, gross margin differences, operating structures, etc.  I have a mental file of these companies and that makes it easier to identify the business economics I am looking for.

  2. Building the “No” filter.  Being able to quickly identify the business characteristics you are NOT looking for is the most efficient way to get through many opportunities.  I have a clearer definition of what I do not want to buy than what I do want to buy.

  3. I love it.  I love reading about businesses.  I love talking to business owners.  I do not consider what I do every day to be work.  Of course there is stress and of course there are moments I cannot believe I took on the pressure of owning SMBs, but I still would not trade it for anything.  I love the process.

  4. You never know where you are going to find an opportunity.  Charlie Munger tells the story of reading Barron’s weekend magazine for the last 50+ years.  Through all that reading he has identified 1 investable idea.  I do not want to miss one because I was not putting in the work.


 Here are two brokers that I continue to use to get my reps in:

 Generational Equity sends me a monthly email with over 200 companies doing over $1m in EBT.  I go through each opportunity.

 Axial allows me to create filters so that the deals are tailored to what I am currently looking for.  I get about 5 opportunities a week sent to my inbox.


Happy hunting!

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