Based in panama, rafael has 25 years of investment experience including private company acquisition, public markets, and real estate.

He looks to teach from experience how to be a better investor and business owner.

Horizontal vs Vertical Holding Companies

Going wide vs Going Deep

Here are the main differences between a Horizontal and Vertical HoldCo and which is best for you:

Horizontal HoldCo

Industry agnostic

Diversified holdings (region, industry, etc)

Expansive investment environment

Difficult to centralize operations

Necessary to delegate management

Vertical HoldCo

Industry Specific

Concentrated holdings (region, industry, etc)

Limited investment environment

Easier to centralize operations

Not necessary to delegate management

There are three overarching roles for anyone building a HoldCo:

Syndicator - Raises capital/financing

Investor - Allocates the capital

Operator - Operates the acquired business

Unless you are sitting on a big pile of money, everyone needs to have a bit of Syndicator in them. How much is determined by how big you want to get.

The Horizontal Holdco plays to the Investor while the Vertical HoldCo plays to the Operator.

Both can be very useful structures, depending on the type of person building them.

Simple, Not Easy

Starting a HoldCo