Based in panama, rafael has 25 years of investment experience including private company acquisition, public markets, and real estate.

He looks to teach from experience how to be a better investor and business owner.

Long Term vs Short Term Games

We are playing a long game, We get satisfaction from playing it

When we bought our first company, I was 31 and my partner was 28. The company was doing around $350,000 in EBT. We took on debt for the acquisition but were confident in our ability to pay it back.

We could have begun taking a decent salary each from day one and once the debt was paid split the remaining earnings 50/50.

Pulling in $150k+ each, at 30 years old, while living in Panama would have been nice.

But we didn't do that. We plowed it all back into the business and bought a second company. At that point, we decided to draw a salary, but it was still less than 10% of our HoldCo earnings.

We have continued like that for 13 years now. Our combined Holding Company does over $100,000,000 in revenue yet we take less than 1% of that in combined salaries.

We are playing a long game. We get satisfaction from playing it. The act of building the company brings us joy, not just the spoils it produces.


Great CEO