Based in panama, rafael has 25 years of investment experience including private company acquisition, public markets, and real estate.

He looks to teach from experience how to be a better investor and business owner.

What do we do to find, attract, and retain talent?

  1. We use a lot of sourcing firms.  We use different firms for different levels.  Some work great for entry-level, others for middle management, and others for CEO-level talent.

  2. We give psychological tests to entry candidates.  These vary based on level.  A basic test is for honesty, and they go all the way up to more sophisticated tests which tell us whether the candidate has the personality traits we need for a mid to top-level position.

  3. We continue to add benefits.  These do not always have to be big, but they need to be well thought out.  Medical, education, fitness, etc.  Not sure what to give?  Conduct a survey with your employees.

  4. We do a Net Promoter Score for all employees once or twice a year.  The question is simple: “Would you recommend to a loved one to come work here?”  This tells us whether or not we are on the right track to retaining our people.

  5. We track the rotation of personnel and separate between voluntary and mandated.  Too much voluntary rotation means we need to work on retention.  Too much mandated rotation means we need to work on the hiring process.

Buffett's Rules

Having a Long-Term View