Based in panama, rafael has 25 years of investment experience including private company acquisition, public markets, and real estate.

He looks to teach from experience how to be a better investor and business owner.

7 Things About Me

  1. I am 44 years old and live in Panama with my wife and 3 kids.

  2. I grew up in Northern California, graduated from UCSD, and spent the first part of my career in financial services.

  3. I have been building a HoldCo, Alternative Holdings (AH), with my partner since 2011.

  4. We now have two separate HoldCos, one operates in Panama and the other in the USA.

  5. We operate in 5 different industries:

  • Industrial Distribution

  • Business Process Outsourcing

  • Restaurants

  • Furniture Retail

  • Heating and HVAC Distribution


5. We currently have around 1,000 employees and over $100m in revenue.

6. Aside from business, I like to read (a lot), travel (whenever I can get away), and do physical activities.

7. I write what I feel and know from personal experience, hoping it adds value.  Sometimes they resonate with people, and sometimes they fall flat.

 Bonus note if you got this far: I am a 4-time national champion in Freediving and the longest I have held my breath (in practice) was 5 minutes.

Where should I invest my money?

Incentivizing CEOs Part II